To the Editor:

The Stowe police blotters are known for their shenanigans. In fact, instead of just my opinion, Ellen Degeneres has mentioned it in her show. In this clip (, Ellen goes through three police blotters from around the country, and, yes, ours was so ridiculous that it was picked out as one of the three police blotters. 

(3) comments


I disagree. The blotter is amazing. And considering the content of what actually does go on, I find it hard to handle some of the stories any other way.


The weekly blotter is absolutely hilarious and a must read! It does underscore the fact that taxpayer money was used to fund a police HQ ("Public Safety Building") equipment and more headcount per capita than some small cities. How about using money for something productive in a resort town such as a new ice rink which will pay dividends for decades? In the mean time, keep the blotter going and the very funny "news" flowing!

Tamara Burke

What is the complaint? That the Stowe Reporter publishes the calls the police take, or that the calls aren't in keeping with the violence, mayhem, and general thuggery experienced in a more urban area? Do you want to read that someone has been violently assaulted? That their home has been broken into and vandalized? Me, I'd rather read that someone saw a stranger staggering and looking like they might need help... and called for help.

A new ice rink is not, by the way, a productive use of my resources. My visible, friendly, responsive, police department is a productive use of my resources. Trust me when I tell you that your ice rink is not going to be there when you slide into the ditch, the ice rink isn't going to return your wallet to you after you sprayed it all over route 100 by leaving it on the roof of your car, and the ice rink isn't going to charge headlong into the woods when a rabid raccoon invades your property.

Ah.. I get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about our police department. I'm thinking I won't get that same feeling from a sheet of ice. Even if it is covered with a fancy roof.

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