I’m a history teacher. I enjoy it. I’m a taxpayer. I accept it. I recognize my responsibility to pay my fair share to support the commonwealth. I elect representatives to determine how much I need to pay and how my taxes get spent to support the public good, and if I don’t approve of their taxing and spending decisions, I enjoy the right to cast a vote to get them out next time.

I am also a member of the National Education Association. This I don’t enjoy and will likely no longer be able to accept. Many years ago our principal was away, and when he received word that a student was secretly taping classes and conversations, he asked me to collect her recording device. I explained the situation, the student gave me the device, and I told her she could retrieve it in the office at the end of the day. A few hours later the police appeared at my classroom door to investigate her mother’s charge that I’d “stolen” the recorder. That day I reluctantly decided to join the National Education Association. I’ve been paying dues ever since.

(3) comments


The NEA only wants your mandated dues, dearie. BTW, Vermont is not a Commonwealth. Only Massachussets, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky are. You know that, I'm sure. Vermont is a "Blue State", run by Communists, Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives. Ethan Allen, and John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. are rotating in their graves! Dunno what Garfield is doing in Binghamton. I'm sure Aiken isn't happy.

Stowe newsguy

Commonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. Historically, it has sometimes been synonymous with "republic".
Shakey: keep it civil and straightforward. No more "dearie" etc.
Otherwise we're going to cut you off.
The Reporter


Hi Mr. Berger,
As a history teacher you are aware of the history of unions. Had it not been for them fighting for the rights of common labor you would not be enjoying the luxuries you have now. I noticed you choose to join when you needed them but now you want to walk away? I assume when you need them again you will join and want them then to help you, did they walk away when you needed them? If the Vermont bill passes it's only fair that those who don't belong to the union will then have to pay something and at 85% they are getting a bargain. They reap the rewards of those who worked hard before them to establish a union,so they can be provided with a salary, health insurance, the ability to have sick days, the ability to work in a clean healthy environment, etc. I can go on but as a history teacher you know this and other benefits we have enjoyed and are still enjoying due to literally the blood, sweat, and tears of those who went before us. You mention that you have a sister and do not consider your fellow union members as brothers and sisters; literally they are not but figuratively they are it is a shame that it sounds like they cannot count on you even though you counted on them when the need arose. They are the ones who stand up for you to have your rights. The ones that are the real thieves are those who have sat back and reaped the benefits and rewards that you help provide by paying your dues and NOT the other way around.

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