Rob Roper

Rob Roper

Democrats in the Statehouse were parading around this week with a banner insisting, “If you make a mess, you clean it up!” Yeah! Big talk! They think this should apply to oil companies regarding climate change (another story I’ll get to soon), but apply that message to themselves regarding the colossal property tax tsunami of a mess they’ve made for us? Well, not so much.

As far as property tax relief for Vermonters goes, the banner reads, “If you make a mess, create a task force of usual suspects to look into it, keep the money flowing to your political cronies and hope the voters have short memories and deep pockets.” Hey, it’s worked in the past. But I’m getting the feeling it’s not going to work as well this time. They’ve been successfully boiling the frog (us) for a long time, but got greedy, turned up the heat too fast and taxpayers are ready to jump out of the pot.

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