“With a tremendous burst, the corona shot out and the great glory of the spectacle was reached. There was nothing gradual about the appearance of the corona and its suddenness caught watchers by surprise. Perhaps they had been led to expect the corona to grow slowly, but actually, from the ground, it appeared to burst into existence out of nothing.”

So reads a passage from the News & Citizen on Sept. 7, 1932. Nearly 92 years later, we couldn’t say it better ourselves.

Total solar eclipse in Morrisville

The Bloomer family traveled from Massachusetts to view Monday’s total solar eclipse from the running track at Peoples Academy in Morrisville. They sported the ubiquitous eclipse sunglasses seen on thousands of faces around Lamoille County and brought along a special solar telescope to get a closer look at the celestial show.

Total solar eclipse in Morrisville

Eclipse watchers gather Monday afternoon at a home on Earl Grey Road in Morristown, where food and drink and ooohs and aaahs were all in ample supply.

Total solar eclipse in Johnson, Foote Brook Farm
Total solar eclipse in Jeffersonville

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