1 pound fresh green beans, trimmed

5 slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces

2 sliced garlic cloves

One-fourth cup cider vinegar

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon maple syrup

One-half teaspoon Kosher salt

2 grinds of fresh-ground black pepper

Add the trimmed green beans to a pot of salted boiling water and blanch for 3 minutes. Strain the green beans and place them in an ice-water bath until cooled.

Place the bacon in a large skillet on medium heat and sauté until the bacon is crisp, and fat has been rendered. Remove bacon from the skillet and sauté garlic. After a minute, add the remaining ingredients and drained beans, and adjust seasoning.

Coat the green beans with the sauce while they heat back up, and garnish them with crisp bacon pieces when heated.

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