Gov. Phil Scott announced Monday that the state has pushed back tax deadlines for businesses and individual Vermonters, in an effort to provide economic relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also ordered businesses and nonprofit organizations that are still open to implement work-from-home plans “to the maximum extent possible,” and said more measures are coming.

“We’re now entering a new phase in this fight to flatten the curve,” Scott said. “Vermonters should also expect additional steps in the coming days that will further reduce contact and direct more to stay home in order to keep everyone safe.”

The governor has already banned non-essential gatherings of more than 10 people, the closing of bars and restaurants, as well as salons, gyms and other close-contact businesses.

Businesses that must remain open are required under the new directive to implement and post guidelines from the federal Centers for Disease Control and the Vermont Department of Health. Those guidelines call for social distancing of at least 6 feet and proper hand-washing and disinfecting plans, and that employees who are sick stay home.

Read more at (Scott pushes back income tax deadline; waives penalties on sales, rooms and meals payments)

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