Thanks to everyone who entered the Stowe Reporter’s eighth annual fall foliage photo contest. Thirty-six photographers sent us more than 100 images.

Staff photographer Glenn Callahan pared the field to 30 images, and staff members from the Stowe Reporter’s editorial, production and sales departments ranked each of the 30 on a points system that determined the three prizewinners and the seven honorable mentions.

The work of the top three photographers really stood above the rest, and the difference between first and second place was just one point.

This year’s prizes come from Topnotch Resort and Spa at 4000 Mountain Road, Stowe.

First-place winner Mark Vandenberg ("First Light on Edson Hill") won a two-night bed-and-breakfast stay for two at Topnotch; second-place winner Debashis Pradhan ("By Route 100, Vermont) won a choice of a 75-minute Mt. Mansfield Saucha or an 80-minute Aroma Mountain Massage; and third-place winner Matt Wimmer ("Jenne Road, Reading, VT") won dinner for two at the restaurant Flannel.

Honorable mentions:

“Pond in Marshfield,” by Denise Gregory; “Smugglers Notch,” by Barb Wood; “Moss Glen, Stowe,” by John Sharpless; “Lake Elmore Autumn,” by Dorothy Koval; “Colorful Tree, Stowe,” by Mike Carey; “Spruce on Fire,” by Mark Vandenberg; “Foster Covered Bridge, Cabot,” by Debbie Vokey. (Listed in no particular order.)

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