Vermont was buzzing this weekend as travelers elbowed their way through the Green Mountain State to catch a view of the total solar eclipse phenomena.

Not only was Monday a once-in-a-lifetime day, but it was also a whopping 55 degrees. Most people could be seen walking around town events in short sleeves, sporting the kind of smile that can only come from the first warm spring day after a long, long, winter.

As the sun disappeared by the minute behind the moon, eclipse-watchers from different states, who seemingly have nothing in common, found themselves in the same path of totality watching the celestial dance together in childlike wonder. Looking around, the eclipse did more than leave people awestruck — it brought people together.

As cheers erupted while the air grew colder and a still darkness settled against the Green Mountain landscape, neighbors threw their arms around each other, and for just a few moments, they were no longer strangers.

— Liberty Darr

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